The best chemtrails group on Facebook. Check it out! When chemtrails people show up, first the group tries to educate, then it's time for RADICUE!
The CAKU Lexicon, which has been copied and pasted directly from the files section of the group. This is stolen content. The NOWSPACE does not agree with all wording used here.
★ Auronautics: The study of how nauticals affect ones aura in relation to the hologram sun and Earth Mother Gaia.
★ Beliefitism: An unshakeable belief all conspiracy theorists have regardless of actual facts.
★ Braid-dead: When chemtrails braid your brain and leave you with a penchant for tinfoil.
★ Chembicile: Someone who believes in chemtrails.
★ Chemtard: A much worse version of a chembicile, generally lacking basic skills of any sort, their typed rants will consist of poor spelling, poor grammar, a total lack of facts, and usually they also suffer with dunning-kruger.
★ Chemtrials: A secret competition to establish the most effective mind control techniques.
★ Co-instances: What happens when conspiracy theorists add 2 and 2 together and get 5.
★ Compained: To complain via campaign about the non-existent.
★ Confues: A state of confusion usually caused by conspiracy theorists.
★ Convenes: To be totally convinced in something regardless of logic and facts provided.
★ Derp: Nonsense. Can also be applied to one who promotes derp, usually having no concept of reality.
★ Eyecue: A test to determine the level of dunning-kruger, a derp suffers from.
★ Expousd: A derps retort to being presented with facts and truths.
★ Flerf: A person who believes the earth is flat.
★ Flouride: To engage in sexual intercourse in a bakery.
★ Fuckewd: A skew whiff sex position.
★ Funksion: When a derp gets depressed when unable to interact with normal human beings.
★ Humanuity: A portmanteau of human and annuity, meaning your contribution to the betterment of humanity decreases in proportion to your perceived derp factor.
★ Intredasting: A retort from derps when facts contradict their beliefs and their brains can't process it.
★ Manifistation: A gay gentleman's S & M club.
★ Modificate: To pigheadedly use something for a purpose which it was not intended for.
★ Namisty: A chemtard appropriation of a salutation.
★ Nosles: Non existent aircraft attachment for deployment of non existent chemtrails.
★ Ovoiusly: When a person with a reptilian bloodline stands beneath the great statue of moloch at Bohemian Grove and lays a random egg.
★ Piolet/Polot: Franglais/chembicile for pilot.
★ Plumbity: An invented testing scale, for proving the impossible; can also be used to describe the inventor of this word eg: "he’s a bit of a plumbity".
★ Penetrant: A hysterical rant or rave over additives and chemicals,without a basic understanding of chemistry.
★ Ploy: The implementation of radicue for when a chemtard is beyond help.
★ Quale: A game bird that has been infused with chemtrails so consumption by humans will have apacifying effect.
★ Radicue: CAKU's special brand of piss taking.
★ Sarcasim: Sarcasm spiced up with that special CAKU inflection.
★ Schailer: A cloud type believed to be caused by haarp,only observable by a chemtard.
★ Scientificate: To talk about science in a pompous and dogmatic manner.
★ Significatively: A large change in an object that only a derpy observer can observe.
★ Snokel: Similar to a snorkel but for use by chembeciles.
★ Swellegant: The semi-chubby a chembecile gets after rage quitting and telling its mates it survived radicue.
★ Syliva: A secretion by reptilians having the same effect as chemtrails.
★ Waiking up: Believing everything is a conspiracy.
★ Woke: Suffering from undiagnosed mental instability.
★ Worrid: When a tin foiler is totally freaked out over the non existent.